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2 Free Lottery Relatives PDFs!
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It's no surprise to Cash-Pick 3 players that mirrors of a previous winner will hit soon after. This book is perfect because it lists ALL Cash-Pick 3 whole numbers & their mirrors! These number sets tend to run together very strongly. If a number from the set hits, play that set back for 2-3 days. Click the button below to get yours FREE!
Here's a tip, the lottery will rotate through these patterns: It will get on a pattern of returning mostly flips of the previous winners. At other times it will mostly return 1-offs of the previous winners. It will move into another pattern & will mostly return mirrors of the previous winners. When you observe what pattern it is on, you can take advantage of this!
If you like the FREE Cash-Pick 3 book above, try the same system for Cash-Pick 4! I also have the Cash-Pick 3 Big Book of Flips & Big Book of 1-Offs. $5 each! These books are also part of a 1/2 off sale below!